I’ ve been to Satya’s yoga classes in Tiruvannamalai in January 2018. What a great experience. Once I started I went to all the classes. At the beginning I found it challenging as the class is very complete and lasts about 2 hours. Sometimes my mind was resisting and didn’t want even to come back. But I found myself going to Satya’s yoga again and again and enjoying it more and more. I find a lot of benefit for my back, strengthening all kinds of muscles. I even got the inspiration 2 days ago to become a yoga teacher myself. Surprisingly I found many men coming to the class. Satya sees our potential and challenges us. This type of yoga is very complete, like a workout, muscle strengthening, gaining more flexibility, great breathing exercises and of course awareness, presence, peace in the now. Satya is also an excellent singer and her voice is a delight.
Raphael Pinel, musician, harp player and composer from France.